In Germany, the swine flu jabs made available to the public have mercury in them but the jabs to be given to the members of the army do not.
Which type of vaccination is the public being given here in Malta? Could anyone please enlighten us about possible side effects of these hastily produced vaccines? Has in fact, enough time passed for these side effects to be accurately tested? (Just read/watch ‘The Constant Gardener’ for more thought provoking aspects on the pharmaceutical world).
The health authorities are doing their very best to get us to inject ourselves but not through a campaign which would include answers to the above queries, but through a bombardment of anxiety.
As parents it's important to have facts in hand - that's the only way we can decide responsibly on what to give or not our kids.
I couldn't agree more! That film changed the way I look at things forever and has unfortunately given me a far more sceptical outlook on anything involving big bucks, particularly big pharma.